Nala Skye
Age :: 29
Height :: 5'5
Gender :: Female
Face Shape :: Round
Born :: Earth, Northern United States
Currencly Lives :: Mars
Time Period :: Fairly modern besides the few advances making it capable to live on Mars.
Race :: Human
Fears :: Spiders, Falling, Storms, Black holes
Intelligence :: Not the brightest person in the room, but smarter than most people assume. Doesn't care to know much about the world around her and uses more emotions over facts in debates (if she happens to get pulled into one).
Favorite Color(s) :: Pastel, Forest Green, Baby Pink
Favorite Food(s) :: Simple, very picky eater, Grilled cheese, Chocolate
Favorite Drink(s) :: Coffee, Diet green tea, water, chocolate milk, juice
Favorite Music :: Loves all genres (Rap the least favorite), Big into Disney music and musicals.
Alcohol/Drug Use :: (Very) light weed smoker, occasional drinker
Hobbies :: Coloring, drawing, writing, movie watching, singing, star gazing
Personality :: Nala is the kind of girl who wears her emotions on her sleeve. Despite her age, she tends to act rather childish at times, though tries to keep it toned down in public. She is the follower type, unable to be the leader in any way, shape, or form. There is no mistaking when she gets upset, as a pout will usually be seen. She does have her bratty, hardheaded moments. In most cases though, she is happy-go-lucky. She is also easily excitable. In public, she is shy and doesn't like big crowds. Anxiety is a big problem in her life.