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Leon Harper

Age :: 33
Height :: 6'4
Gender :: Male
Face Shape :: Round
Born :: Earth, Southern United States
Currencly Lives :: Mars
Time Period :: Fairly modern besides the few advances making it capable to live on Mars. 
Race :: Human

Fears :: Falling
Intelligence :: Very smart when it comes to science and space. Knows an average amount about the world and is able to debate most things with facts over emotion.
Favorite Color(s) :: Darker colors, Orange
Favorite Food(s) :: Not very picky, will eat most things except coconut and avacados.
Favvorite Drink(s) :: Coffee, green tea, water, koolaid
Favorite Music :: Enjoys most genres. Big into 'real world' music.
Alcohol/Drug Use :: light weed smoker, occasional drinker, smokes cigarettes
Hobbies :: Drawing, science

Personality :: He dislikes people who feel self entitled, back talk, and bullies. He's the leader type of person. Protective of those he cares about. Not much of a people person. Enjoys teasing close friends. Can get aggrivated easily, depending on the situation. Enjoys figuring out how things tick. Can be obnoxious and a dick, but is very kind at heart.

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